Meet Holly
Holly loves to read romance, historical fiction and fairy tale/mythological adaptations.
Browse her recommendations below.
Beatrice Alemagna
You Can't Kill Snow White

This is a darkly brilliant retelling of Snow White. It is, of course, the story of a Queen, a Huntsman, a Princess and seven dwarves. It is also a story that asks the reader to look beyond 'good' and 'evil' and think about what it is to be human. Sometimes unsettling, sometimes beautiful, it is rich with emotion. Each illustration is layered and clever and nearly abstract, creating deeply storied characters and the world the tale plays out in.
Beatrice Alemagna has long been one of our favourite storytellers for the way she explores illustration in original and interesting ways, telling stories with incredible perceptiveness and imagination. To have an illustrated story created for older readers feels a special treasure.
Beth Kephart/Melonie Stacey
Beautiful Useful Things

One of our favourite things on Henry Street is a doorknob. It is about two doors up from the bookshop, and it guards an old mint green door. Into the doorknob is carved the face of a lion. He has a rather large nose, and a frown sure to warn off intruders. Though small and tucked away, we notice it every time we walk down the street. This is a beautiful useful thing.
William Morris was a creator of beautiful useful things. He looked at the world and thought that if we were to surround ourselves with objects essential to our day-to-day lives, they should be beautiful. They should be well-made. They should have art and care etched into their surfaces.
‘Beautiful Useful Things’ tells this story - of a boy who grew up in a world filled with beautiful things, and, concerned by the mass production of goods and pollution of the environment following the Industrial Revolution, decided to make sure handmade goods and art were seen as essential.
What book will you take with you to the grave?
Stardust, by Neil Gaiman. It is everything I love in a story. It feels like a fairy tale of old. It's expansive and lyrical and clever and insightful. I have a beautiful blue clothbound edition with gold foiling that was gifted to me and it's one of my most favourite possessions.